Julie Meschko


Julie MeschkoJulie Meschko received her BA in Music Education from the University of Northern Colorado.  She also studied Computer Science at the Community College of Aurora and Accounting at Denver University.  She plays piccolo and flute in the Naples Concert Band, Symphonic Winds of Southwest Florida, Flute Cocktail flute choir, Naples Community Orchestra, and Naples Symphony Orchestra, and has been a member of the Southern Illinois Symphony Orchestra, Opera Naples, Port Charlotte Symphony, Arvada Symphony, and the ALRY Flute Choir, as well as freelancing in southwest Florida. She has been a member of the NFA Professional Flute Choir, piccolo/flute for WAWOP (World Adult Wind Orchestra Program) 2022 and 2023 in Schladming, Austria, and is a charter member of the National Flute Choir.  Julie was also a past Exhibits Chair for several years for the Florida Flute Festival.  She is also on the Board of the Music Foundation of Greater Naples.

She is a long-time participant at the flute masterclasses at Wildacres, with over 30 years in attendance. Julie organizes the afternoon recitals, and willingly helps with anything else that needs doing. She believes strongly in the benefits, knowledge, and experience a flutist can receive at the Wildacres Flute Retreat.
